Silencing of ISD11 diminishes mitochondria and cytosolic aconitase activities and activates iron-responsive element (IRE)-binding activity. (A) Aconitase activity assay revealed reduced activity of Fe–S cluster enzymes in cells treated with ISD siRNA [WT, wild-type; (−)Ctrl, negative control; Mock, treated with Lipofectamine 2000 reagent; oligo, siRNA of ISD11]. (B) Western blots of cells transfected with ISD11 siRNA revealed that (iron-regulatory protein) IRP1 and α-tubulin levels (loading control) did not significantly change. Results shown are representative of four independent experiments. (C) Xanthine oxidase activity assay shows obvious decrease in the RNAi-treated cells compared with the untreated wild-type cells. (D) Lactate dehydrogenase activity assay shows no change in the RNAi-treated cells compared with the untreated wild-type cells. (E) Gel retardation assays of IRPs. Transfected cells were harvested nine days after three times successive transfection and analyzed for total binding activity of IRP1 and IRP2 to 32P-labeled IRE of human ferritin mRNA. Lysates of WT and ISD11 knock-down HeLa cells (10 µg protein/lane) were incubated with 32P-IRE and resolved on a 10% non-denaturing gel. Binding of IREs to IRPs were visualized by autoradiography in the absence of β-mercaptoethanol and quantified using a phosphorimager. Both IRPs have increased IRE-binding activity. (WT, wild type; (−)Ctrl, negative control; oligo2, siRNA of ISD11). IRP1- (bottom band) and IRP2 (up band)-IRE complex. (F) Quantitative analysis of IRP2 levels by western blot revealed that IRP2 levels increase in ISD11-depleted cells (top panel) and the result is reproducible (bottom panel).