Figure 3.
T cell responses specific for West Nile virus (WNV) DNA vaccine insert–specific peptide pools (WNV-E [left] and WNV-M [right]), assessed by enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISpot) assay and intracelluar cytokine staining (ICS). Data are shown for the entire study (weeks 0−32). The magnitude of ELISpot and ICS responses are shown in the top graphs, and the frequency of responses among all subjects is shown in the bottom graphs. The threshold for positivity by ELISpot assay is a mean of 59 sfc per million peripheral blood mononuclear cells. For ICS responses, a positive response required that the P value from a Fisher's exact test of the difference between the antigen-specific response and the negative control response be <.01 and that the antigen-specific response be at least 0.0241% (for CD3+CD4+ responses) or at least 0.0445% (for CD3+CD8+ responses) higher than the negative control response.