Fig. 5.
In the non-osteoporotic diaphysis, the strength of the far cortical locking (FCL) constructs in axial compression (a) was 7% less than that of locked plating (LP) constructs. In torsion (b) and bending (c), far cortical locking constructs were 54% and 21% stronger than locked plating constructs, respectively. In axial compression, both constructs failed as a result of fracture of the diaphysis through the screw hole at the plate end. In torsion, far cortical locking constructs failed as a result of subsidence due to screw shaft bending whereas locked plating constructs failed as a result of screw breakage between the plate and the bone. In bending, both constructs failed as a result of fracture through the screw hole at the plate end. *Significant (p ≤ 0.005).