Gel filtration analysis. Elution profiles from an S300-Sephacryl column
of NK1R, src, β-arrestin, and ERK1/2 from KNRK-NK1R + ARR cells
(a and b) and HDMEC (c and
d). Cells were incubated with (b and
d) or without (a and c) 10
nM SP (KNRK cells) or 100 nM
[Sar9MetO211]SP (SM-SP, HDMEC)
for 5 min, crosslinked with DSP, and fractionated. Western blots of all
four proteins in eluted fractions within partition coefficients (σ)
of 0.09–0.86 are shown. The region where all four proteins coelute
after treatment with NK1R agonists is designated by the star.