Figure 5. Vesicular transport of major basic protein (MBP) from within eotaxin-stimulated human eosinophils.
Immunonanonogold electron microscopy revealed MBP-positive vesicles surrounding (A, C, E) and apparently arising (C, D) from mobilized specific granules. Control cells were negative for MBP labeling (B). In (Di), MBP labeling is seen on the disarranged granule core and matrix and within a small, spherical vesicle attached to the granule surface (box). Intragranular vesicles were also labeled for MBP. (Dii) corresponds to the boxed area of (Di). In (Ei), an eosinophil section shows the Golgi (G) region negative for MBP and MBP labeling within mobilized granules. MBP-positive, granule-associated large tubular carriers are indicated in (Eii) (arrowheads). (Eii) corresponds to the boxed area of (Ei). Cells were processed for pre-embedding immunonanogold labeling with mouse anti-MBP monoclonal antibody followed by 1.4 nm gold-conjugated goat-anti-mouse Fab fragments. In control cells, the primary antibody was replaced by an irrelevant antibody. In all experiments, eosinophils were stimulated as described in Figure 1. n, nucleus; gr, granule. Scale bar, 600 nm (A, B), 270 nm (C), 250 nm (Di), 150 nm (Dii), 500 nm (Ei) and 220 nm (Eii).