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. 2009 Jun 8;53(8):3357–3364. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01655-08


Presence of Cj0299 (blaOXA-61), β-lactamase production, and susceptibility to β-lactams in representative isolates of C. jejuni and C. coli

Campylobacter isolatea blab BLAc pId MIC(μg/ml) of β-lactame
C. jejuni isolates
    P270f + 4 4 1 8 2 16 512 16 128 32 32 2 0.08 0.03 64
    P270 blaOXA-61::cat 0.5 0.25 2 2 4 8 4 128 64 32 2 0.008 0.03
    P835 2 0.25 0.5 4 4 8 >256 >16 256 64 256 4 <0.015 0.06 128
    P850 32 1 4 64 128 256 >256 >8 256 128 256 8 0.03 0.06 >32
    P1962 2 2 0.5 8 <4 <16 >256 >16 256 64 256 1 0.015 0.015 4
    P285 + + 64 64 8 128 64 256 >256 >16 256 128 256 8 0.015 0.015 >128
    P286 + + 64 64 8 128 64 256 >256 >16 256 128 256 8 0.25 0.25 >128
    P305 + + 8.9 64 64 8 128 128 >256 >256 - 256 64 128 4 0.06 0.06 >128
    P316 + + 8.7 64 32 8 128 64 128 >256 >16 256 64 128 4 0.12 0.06 >128
    P338 + + 8.9 64 64 8 128 64 128 >256 >16 128 128 512 8 0.12 0.06 128
    P338 blaOXA-61::cat 2 1 16 4 8 8 8 128 128 512 8 0.015 0.03
    P790 + + 8.7 64 64 16 128 128 256 128 >16 >256 64 64 4 0.12 0.12 >128
    P1093 + + 128 64 32 256 32 256 128 256 512 128 128 8 0.5 0.12
    P1093 blaOXA-61::cat 2 0.5 8 8 16 16 32 256 128 128 4 0.03 0.12
    P1618 + + 64 64 2 64 64 128 >512 32 128 256 256 16 0.008 0.015 64
    P1650 + + 64 64 4 64 64 64 >512 32 256 128 128 4 0.008 0.06 128
    P1730 + + 64 64 8 64 32 128 >512 16 256 128 256 4 0.015 0.015 32
    P1698 + 128 128 1 <8 64 32 >512 16 128 64 128 4 0.015 0.06 128
    P1699 + 64 64 4 <8 128 64 256 <8 256 64 128 4 0.015 0.03 <1
    P843 + 9.2 32 64 4 64 128 <16 >256 >16 >256 64 256 4 0.03 0.06 >128
    P854 + 9.2 128 128 4 256 128 >256 >256 >8 256 128 128 4 0.03 0.06 4
C. coli isolates
    P321 + + 8.6 128 64 8 64 64 256 >256 >16 256 64 64 4 0.12 0.12 >128
    P1627 + wk + 32 8 4 8 64 32 512 16 256 64 64 4 0.03 0.12 >128
    P1826 + + 128 128 8 128 32 128 512 16 256 64 128 2 0.06 0.03 32

The isolates for which the DNA sequence of Cj0299 (blaOXA-61) was determined are shown in boldface type.


+, bla gene detected by PCR; −, bla gene not detected by PCR.


+, β-lactamase (BLA) positive reaction with nitrocefin; −, β-lactamase negative reaction with nitrocefin; wk +, weakly positive reaction.


The pI or isoelectric point was determined by isoelectric focusing.


Abbreviations: AMP, ampicillin; AMX, amoxicillin; AMC, co-amoxiclav (amoxicillin-clavulanic acid); PEN, benzylpenicillin; TIC, ticarcillin; CAR, carbenicillin; PIP, piperacillin; TZP, tazocin (piperacillin-tazobactam); CLX, cloxacillin; CXM, cefuroxime; FOX, cefoxitin; CTX, cefotaxime; MEM, meropenem; IPM, imipenem; ATM, aztreonam. The boldface MICs indicate the agents for which lower MICs were obtained for blaOXA-61-inactivated mutants.


P270, strain NCTC 11168.