(a) Activations (orange and yellow regions) and deactivations (blue regions) during the lexical task, from group data of 10 subjects (18 resting runs). Areas of deactivation correspond to regions frequently identified as the default mode network. (b) Signal changes significantly correlated with variations in the respiration volume per unit time (RVT), averaged over 10 subjects. (c) Mask derived from the deactivations. (d) Mask derived from significant RVT‐related changes. (e,f) results of the seed‐ROI based functional connectivity analysis. Colored regions indicate the voxels significantly correlated with the resting signal intensity time course averaged over the seed ROI. This seed ROI was defined by the areas showing a significant deactivation in the posterior cingulate during the lexical task. (e) maps at the same locations as figure a,c; (f) maps at the same locations as in Figures b,d.