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. 2002 Spring;7(1):7–19.


Flow and pressure parameters for four groups of Frank-Starling curves for the right ventricle at varying preloads and afterloads (Rx,n) and with the left ventricle preloaded at 10 cm H2O and afterloaded at 80 cm H2O (L10,80)

Loading conditions of both ventricles (cm H2O) Preload PF (mL/min) RPmax (mmHg) RPmean (mmHg) RP′max (mmHg/s) RP′min (mmHg/s)
Rx,5, L10,80, n=10, PLmean=5.33±0.17 Minimum 7.65±0.34 13.56±0.83 5.66±0.97 787±87 –534±83
Maximum 59.62±1.19 34.84±2.63 17.13±0.89 1494±125 –1001±85
Mean response 41.95±1.05 28.94±1.72 12.88±0.75 1284±85 –918 ±82
Total response (%) 694.51±38.78 157.74±12.20 260.94±40.82 103.20±19.09 104.75±15.70
Initial slope (mL/cm H2O) 6.12±0.76
Rx,10, L10,80, n=13, PLmean=5.13±0.14 Minimum 8.50±0.42 23.84±1.51 9.08±0.58 955±96 –712±67
Maximum 50.35±0.94 36.15±1.67 17.19±0.69 1417±85 –952±53
Mean response 38.70±0.90 34.69±1.59 15.30±0.67 1347±87 –954±56
Total response (%) 511.08±32.34 55.60±6.71 96.92±11.42 55.93±7.11 41.06±7.51
Initial slope (mL/cm H2O) 5.27±0.49
Rx,15, L10,80, n=10, PLmean=4.81±0.14 Minimum 8.19±0.38 26.40±1.08 10.23±0.72 980±38 –835±37
Maximum 37.88±2.08 36.09±1.99 17.35±1.28 1466±51 –952±48
Mean response 29.23±1.19 34.87±1.52 16.11±0.96 1367±55 –962±44
Total response (%) 364.69±20.02 37.73±6.81 72.81±9.59 50.54±4.68 15.02±5.68
Initial slope (mL/cm H2O) 4.26±0.47
Rx,20, L10,80, n=13, PLmean=4.18±0.24 Minimum 7.50±0.38 30.68±1.41 13.58±0.82 1055±75 –826±38
Maximum 23.68±1.24 35.45±1.29 18.12±1.14 1391±58 –805±35
Mean response 20.10±0.85 36.53±1.31 17.88±0.92 1390±60 –877±37
Total response (%) 228.48±25.86 17.11±4.43 36.92±8.96 41.38±13.56 –1.34±4.25
Initial slope (mL/cm H2O) 3.33±0.51

Data are mean ± SEM. PF Pulmonary artery flow; PLmean Mean preload; RPmax Right ventricular peak pressure; RPmean Right ventricular mean pressure; RP′max Maximum of the first derivative of right ventricular pressure; RP′min Minimum of the first derivative of right ventricular pressure