Figure 3. Absence of the Notch ligands Delta and Serrate or the transcriptional effector Su(H) does not affect the activity of Armadillo.
Confocal images of third instar wings discs with clones of cells induced at 48–72-h AEL mutant for both Dlrev10 and SerRx82 (A and B) or Su(H) Δ47 (C and D), without and with ArmS10 as indicated. Clones of cells mutant for Dlrev10 and SerRx82 (A) grow and remain integrated in the epithelium maintaining their apicobasal polarity as can be seen in the optical z-section. No major changes are observed when ArmS10 is expressed in these cells (B). Clones of cells mutant for Su(H) Δ47 display a number of distinctive features ([C] and see Video S4). They are smaller and appear more dispersed than those of cells mutant for Dlrev10 and SerRx82. The edges of the clones are ragged and irregular and give the impression that the cells are dispersing. Most notably cells can be observed dispersed within the plane of the epithelium with a large amount of apoptotic cells on the basal side (white arrow, see optical z-section). Expression of ArmS10 in these cells increases the size of the clones, alters their appearance, and reduces, but does not eliminate, the number of apoptotic cells in the basal region (see Video S5). Technical details of the images as in Figure 2 with the small insets at the corners of each image being low magnification pictures of the discs shown which act as a reference. Scale bar in (D), 20 µm.