Figure 1.
Equilibrium denaturation for Syt1 C2AB and titin I27 domains. (A) X-ray structure of human Syt1 C2AB showing the position of solvent-accessible (yellow) and buried tryptophan residues (orange). The left domain (green) is C2A. Ca+2/phospholipid binding loops are labeled in C2A as loop 1, 2, and 3. The blue domain is C2B. (B) NMR structure of I27; the buried Trp is shown in orange. (C) Chemical denaturation curves for human Syt1 C2AB domains (black squares) and titin I27 domain (gray circles). The data were fit by a simple sigmoid. The black horizontal line demarcates the point at which 50% of the normalized fluorescent signal [D]50%. The estimated [D]50% are ∼1.6 M for C2AB and 2.7 M for I27.