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. 2009 May 19;13(3):R75. doi: 10.1186/cc7890

Table 1.

Baseline patient demographic and clinical characteristics

Dexemedetomidine Haloperidol P
N 10 10
Age, years: median (IQR) 52 (42 to 69) 68.5 (43 to 78) 0.241
Males: % 90 80 0.531
APACHE II score in the 24 hours immediately prior to enrolment: median (IQR) 13.3 (10 to 18) 15.5 (11 to 19) 0.383
Physical restraint prior to enrolment: % 80 50 0.160
Midazolam use: % 60 40 0.371
Propofol use: % 70 70 1.000
Haloperidol use: % 30 10 0.264
Morphine use: % 80 80 1.000
Other sedative or anti-psychotic use: % 0 0
Time intubated prior to randomisation, hours: median (IQR) 45.0 (34.5 to 73.3) 65.2 (28.0 to 87.0) 0.496
RASS -2 to 1 (ie. desired level of sedation and agitation control) at enrolment: % 30 10 0.264
ICDSC ≥ 4 (ie. delirium present) at enrolment: % 30 40 0.405
ICDSC ≥ 4 at any stage prior to or during infusion of trial drug: % 50 50 1.00
ICDSC > 0 (ie. at least subsyndromal delirium present) at enrolment: % 80 100 0.136
ICDSC > 0 at any stage prior to or during infusion of trial drug: % 100 100 1.00
Surgical diagnosis: % 70 30 0.074
Admission diagnosis 0.493
 Pneumonia, % 0 20
 Other sepsis, % 20 20
 Post cardiothoracic surgery, % 30 10
 Post neurosurgery, % 30 20
 Other, % 20 30

APACHE = Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation; ICDSC = Intensive Care Delirium Screening Checklist; IQR = interquartile range; RASS = Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale.