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. 2009 Jun 11;13(3):R89. doi: 10.1186/cc7916

Table 5.

Clinical studies assessing the association between hemoglobin concentrations, anemia, or transfusion and subsequent outcomes among patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage

Study Patients Design and setting Exposure Mean pre-transfusion Hb/Hct Analysis (variables) Main result
‡Kramer and colleagues [28] 245 Retrospective
- Anemia (nadir Hb <10 g/dl)
- RBC transfusion (35%)
9.5 g/dl
No transfusion protocol
Logistic regression (WFNS score, age, vasospasm, modified Fisher score) - Anemia and transfusion associated with poor 6 week outcome (association stronger for transfusion)
- RBCs associated with nosocomial infection
- Age of blood not associated with complications

‡Kramer and colleagues [154] 245 Retrospective
Daily nadir Hb over 2 weeks 9.5 g/dl
No transfusion protocol
GEE to account for correlated data (WFNS score, age, vasospasm, modified Fisher score) - Hb and decline in Hb over time predict poor outcome
- Association between Hb and outcome stronger among high grade patients

†Naidech and colleagues [155] 611 Retrospective (prospective database)
- Mean and nadir Hb over 2 weeks
- 35% transfused
Not reported
No transfusion protocol
Multinomial regression (Hunt-Hess, age, cerebral infarction) Higher nadir (but not mean) Hb associated with better outcome after 3 months (OR = 0.83 per 10 g/dl increase; P = 0.04)

Naidech and colleagues [156] 103 Retrospective (prospective database)
- Mean Hb over 2 weeks
- 47% transfused
9.2 g/dl
No transfusion protocol
Logistic regression (Hunt-Hess, age, angiographic vasospasm) Higher 2 week mean Hb associated with better outcome at discharge (OR = 0.57 per 10 g/dl increase; P = 0.04)

Tseng and colleagues [157] 160 Post hoc analysis 2 RCTs)
RBC transfusion (19%) Not reported Logistic regression (age, WFNS, IVH, postoperative deficits, sepsis, DIDs) - Transfusion associated with poor outcome at discharge (OR = 4.5, P = 0.04) but not 6 months
- More colloid use predicted lower hct and need for transfusion

†Wartenberg and colleagues [158] 576 Retrospective (prospective database)
Anemia (Hb <9 g/dl treated with transfusion; 36% of cohort) Not reported
No transfusion protocol
Logistic regression (Hunt-Hess, age, cerebral infarction, re-bleeding, aneurysm size >10 mm) Anemia associated with worse 3 month outcome (OR = 1.8; P = 0.02)

* DeGeorgia and colleagues [159] 166 Retrospective
RBC Transfusion (49%) Not reported
No transfusion protocol
Logistic regression (Hunt-Hess, APACHE II) Transfusion associated with worse outcome at discharge among patients with vasospasm, not without (OR = 2.9, CI = 1.1 to 7.8)

Smith and colleagues [160] 441 Retrospective (prospective database)
RBC transfusion (61%) Intra-operative: 39.6%
Post-operative: 32.0%
No transfusion protocol
Logistic regression (Hunt-Hess, Fisher, smoking, intra-operative rupture, delay to surgery) - Intraoperative transfusion associated with poor 6 month outcome (OR = 2.4, CI = 1.3 to 4.5)
- Postoperative transfusion associated with angiographic vasospasm (OR = 1.7, CI = 1.0 to 2.8))

‡ & †: studies used same datasets; *: published only as abstract

APACHE = Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation; CI = 95% confidence intervals; DID = delayed ischemic deficit; GEE = generalized estimating equation; Hb = hemoglobin; hct = hematocrit; IVH = intraventricular hemorrhage; OR = odds ratio; RBC = red blood cell; RCT = randomized controlled trial; WFNS = World Federation of Neurological Surgeons score.