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. 2009 Aug;23(8):2459–2466. doi: 10.1096/fj.09-132928

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

MnSOD overexpression did not change APP processing or Aβ levels. AE) Western blots (A) and analysis of full-length APP (B), α-CTFs (C), β-CTFs (D), and 6% SDS-soluble Aβ monomers (E). Densitometric values are normalized to α-tubulin, in Tg19959 mice and Tg19959-MnSOD littermates. In Tg19959 mice, overexpression of MnSOD did not change APP processing or 6% SDS-soluble Aβ monomer levels. F–I) Quantification of Aβ1-40 and Aβ1-42 levels by ELISA in 6% SDS-soluble and 6% SDS-insoluble 70% FA-soluble pools. In Tg19959 mice, overexpression of MnSOD did not affect 6% SDS-soluble or 6% SDS-insoluble 70% FA-soluble Aβ levels. J, K) A11-immunoreactive patches per 0.75 mm2 (J) and percentage area occupied by A11-immunoreactivity (K). No significant differences were found between Tg19959 mice and Tg19959-MnSOD littermates. APP, amyloid precursor protein; CTF, carboxyterminal fragment of APP; SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate; FA, formic acid. Values are means ± se.