Figure 1.
Plasma samples were collected 0, 3 and 12 hr after [U-13C-Glc] infusion, as described in the Experimental Section. Unlabeled glucose and lactate concentrations were quantified by 1-D 1H NMR using DSS as the calibration standard. Their % 13C enrichment was determined from the respective 13C satellite peaks in 1-D 1H NMR spectra. Panel A illustrates the time course changes in glucose and lactate concentrations as well as their % 13C enrichment. Panel B shows the 13C satellite pattern of the 3-methyl group of lactate (13C-CH3-lac) in the 1-D 1H NMR spectrum of patient #6 after 3 hr of [U-13C-Glc] infusion. The chemical shifts of lactate and Ala reflected the acidic pH of the TCA extract.