View of the lowest-energy conformations of ALA10 found in
the set of simulations at different dielectric constants:
(a) ɛ = 2, (b) ɛ = 40, and
(c) ɛ = 80. All of the atoms have been colored in
gray, except for the carbonyl O (red) and the amino HN (green). The
backbone of the chain is traced with a gray ribbon, and the
solvent-accessible surfaces of the oxygen and polar hydrogens are
displayed using dots. Only a fraction of the backbone HN groups, not
involved in intramolecular hydrogen bonds, remain exposed to the
solvent when the dielectric constant ɛ is 40. (d) Top
view of the lowest-energy conformation encountered in the runs for ɛ
= 2, showing that all of the polar hydrogen (green) atoms are buried in
a helix.