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. 2009 Jun 11;30(8):1363–1367. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgp126

Table I.

Baseline characteristics of cases with and controls without EAC

Clinical parameter Cases (N = 309) Controls (N = 275) P value comparing cases versus controls
    Male 89% 88% 0.62a
    Female 11% 12%
Median age (range) 64.1 (21–91) 62.9 (30–96) 0.49b
Median BMIc (range) 23.3 (15–36) 22.6 (14–36) 0.01b
Smoking status
    Never smoker 20% 31% 0.01a
    Ex-smoker 55% 50%
    Current smoker 25% 19%
Median pack-years of ever-smokers (range) 33.7 (0.2–212) 30.0 (0.1–218) 0.21b
Caucasian race 98% 98% 0.54a
Tumor stage of esophageal cancer
    I 8%
    II 40%
    III 25%
    IV 27%
EGF genotype
    A/A 33% 40% 0.02a
    A/G 42% 44%
    G/G 25% 16%
GERD frequency
    <1 Mo. (GERD free) 51% 77% <0.001a
    ≥1/Mo. and ≤1/wk 27% 14%
    >1/Wk 22% 9%
GERD duration <0.001a
    <1 Year 34% 78% <0.001a
    ≥1 and ≤15 Years 32% 12%
    >15 Years 34% 10%
Alcohol historyd
    Yes 94% 91% 0.32a
    No 6% 9%

mo., month; wk, week.


Fisher's exact test.


t-test/Wilcoxon rank sum test.


Median BMI when patients were in their twenties.


Alcohol history was only available for 246 cases and 66 controls.