Structure of the carboxyl-terminal domain of eIF4A. (A)
Stereoview, ribbon drawing of the structure. Conserved motifs are
colored as follows: motif IV, VIFCNTRR, residues 263–270, green;
“conserved R” motif, residue Arg-298, purple; motif V, RGID,
residues 321–324, magenta; motif VI, HRIGRGGR, residues 345–352,
cyan. The strands of the β-sheet are labeled sequentially. This and
subsequent ribbon drawings were prepared with molscript
(34) and rendered with
raster3d (35).
(B) Topology diagram of the structure. β-Strands are
shown as arrows; α-helices, as cylinders. β-Strands and α-helices
are labeled sequentially as 1–7 and α1–
α6, respectively. Sequences of the conserved motifs are
shown in boxes; residues whose side chains are illustrated in
A and subsequent figures are underlined.