Figure 1.
CW-EPR spectra of six notothenioid ferric Hbs: HbTb, HbGa, HbCTn, Hb1Tn, Hb2Tn, and Hb1Cg. The protein concentration was 0.5 mM tetramer, and the buffer was 50 mM HEPES pH 6.0. Spectra were recorded at 12 K, microwave frequency of 9.29 GHz, microwave power of 10 mW, modulation frequency of 100 kHz, and modulation amplitude of 5 G. Spectra in the left panel are replotted on a ×10 intensity scale on the right, showing the low-spin signal region. (Baseline artifacts are present in the high-field region of some of the spectra and are marked by asterisks.) The g = 5.88 regions of the high-spin signals are shown in the inset: T. bernacchii (HbTb, Root effect; black), G. acuticeps (HbGa, no Root effect; red), T. newnesi C (HbCTn, Root effect; green), T. newnesi 1 (Hb1Tn, no Root effect; blue), T. newnesi 2 (Hb2Tn, no Root effect; pink), and C. gobio (Hb1Cg, Root effect; cyan). The signal intensities are normalized against that of HbTb. The increase in line width in the down-field region of the signal indicates an increase in rhombicity.