Fig. 4.
Extinction risk and variation in extinction risk of Amazonian plant species vs. range area. (A and B) Estimated extinction risk vs. original range area under the BAU (A) and GOV (B) land-use change scenarios. Gray triangles indicate species whose ranges include at least in part the Cerrado ecoregion of southwestern Brazil; black points indicate all other species whose ranges do not include the Cerrado. Lines show average extinction risks for binned range sizes of Cerrado (dashed line) and non-Cerrado species (bin width = 100,000 km2). (C and D) The variation in extinction risk estimates for species within the binned range areas as based on the BAU (C) and GOV (D) land-use change scenarios. The peak in variation at range size = ≈2,000,000 km2 is due to the entrance of Cerrado species.