Fig. 8.
Initial sign of the completion of stellate/basket cell migration in the middle of the ML. (A)Time-lapse series of images showing the withdrawal of the leading process of stellate/basket cells at the middle of the ML of P10 mouse cerebellum. Elapsed time after in vitro (in hours) is indicated on the top left of each photograph. Asterisks mark the soma. Arrows and arrowheads represent the leading process of a stellate/basket cell and the neuronal processes, respectively. Scale bar; 12 µm. (B1-B3) Pseudocolor images represent images of the stellate/basket cell taken every half hour shown in A. Four images of the cell are superimposed in B1, B2 and B3, respectively. The numbers represent elapsed time after in vitro (in hours). Scale bar; 10 µm. (C1 and C2) The total distance traversed by the cell (C1) shown in A and the direction and distance traveled by the cell during each half hour of the testing period (C2) were plotted as a function of elapsed time after in vitro.