Crosslinking of proteins specific to the TCE. (A) The
constructs C2, C3, C7, and C8, which correspond to Prl-C2, Prl-C3,
Prl-C7 and Prl-C8, respectively, but lack the 5′ UTR and coding
regions, were used to synthesize 32P-labeled RNA. An amount
of each RNA corresponding to equal incorporated counts was incubated
with Xenopus oocyte extract and subjected to UV-mediated
crosslinking. The labeled proteins were separated by SDS/PAGE and
visualized by autoradiography. The asterisk indicates the position of a
38-kDa protein that appears to be specifically crosslinked to RNAs
containing the TCE. (B) Effect of substrate RNA
titration on crosslinking. Various concentrations of
32P-labeled C2 (○) and C3
(●) RNA were used for UV crosslinking as in
A. The 38-kDa band was quantitated by densitometry (with
local background subtraction) and plotted as a function of RNA
concentration. (C) Binding of 38-kDa protein is competed
by the TCE but not by the minimum localization element or globin. RNA
corresponding to the globin coding region, localization element (LE),
or TCE (C7) were synthesized and quantitated. A 50-fold excess of each
was mixed with 32P-labeled C7 RNA (0.25 nM final
concentration), and UV crosslinking was performed as in
A. The arrowhead indicates the position of the 38-kDa
crosslink. Lane 1 is the crosslinking reaction containing no competitor