Characterization of tagged forms of gH, gL and gC, gH5E1, gHst.V5, gL5E1.His, gLV5.His, gCV5. A, immunofluorescence of 293T cells transfected with the indicated tagged versions of gH, gL, or gC, reacted with conformation-dependent mAbs 52S to gH, 53S to gH/gL, HC1 to gC, or V5. B, cell surface expression of the indicate gH/gL combinations, as measured by CELISA in transfected 293T cells, expressed as percentages relative to cells transfected with untagged gH/gL. C, cell-cell fusion in 293T cells transfected with the indicated combinations of gH/gL, plus gD and gB, measured by means of a luciferase based assay. R.L.U., relative luciferase units expressed as percentages relative to cells transfected with untagged gH/gL. In B and C, each column represents the mean of triplicate samples. The bars denote ± S.E.