Scheme depicting the generation of porcine iPS cell lines from the moment of viral transduction to colony picking. Captures of Tibetan pigs (5 days old), similar to the strain used for our experiments, are shown on the left. PEF (capture shown on the left) were isolated as described under “Experimental Procedures” and infected with retroviruses coding mouse or human factors. At the bottom of the scheme, captures at day 6 post-infection of PEF transduced with either GFP control retroviruses or SKOM mixtures and culture with defined medium are shown. GFP detected with a fluorescence filter showed almost 100% infection efficiency. Notice the early classical (similar to mouse or human iPS generation) morphology changes (cells becoming rounded and aggregating) only in the SKOM-infected pools. DMEM, Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium. hs, Homo sapiens; mm, Mus musculus.