Figure 8.
Lower lipid peroxidation at wound site in Rac2−/− mice. HNE staining was performed on OCT fixed frozen sections of regenerated skin at the wound-site sampled 1 day after wounding. Rac2−/− (B) shows lesser lipid peroxidation indicative of lower (vs. wild type in A) activity of inflammatory cells. (C) Bar graph represents Image Analysis outcome. (D) and (E) Double immunostaining was performed on OCT-fixed frozen sections of regenerated skin at the wound-site sampled 2 days after wounding. Wild type (D) shows higher level (vs. Rac2−/− on right) of co-localization of lipid peroxidation (green) and neutrophils (red) producing an orange/yellow hue all over the section indicating that in Rac2−/− mice neutrophils infiltrate into the wound site but do not cause lipid peroxidation as they lack sufficient NADPH oxidase activity. All images at 20X magnification, Scale bar = 50 microns. Data is shown as mean ± SD, n = 4 in each group, * indicates p < 0.05.