Figure 2. CD80 preferentially control lethality and inflammation in CLP.
Panel A-WT (n = 20) and CD80−/− (N = 15) and CD86−/− (N = 15) underwent CLP and were monitored for survival. P<0.04 (CD80−/− vs. CD86−/−), p<0.001 (CD80−/− vs. WT) and p<0.01 (WT vs. CD86−/−). Panel B–D. WT and CD80−/− and CD86−/− mice underwent CLP and were sacrificed at 18 hrs and plasma (Panel B), BALF (Panel C) and PL (Panel D) were collected for cytokine analysis via commercially available ELISA. N = 8–10 mice/group. + = <0.1, * = <0.05.