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. 2009 Aug 12;4(8):e6614. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0006614

Table 1. Apollo Lunar Surface Astronaut Characteristics.

ID Mission Role* Last Name Mass Height L§
kg m m
1 11 CDR Armstrong 76.2 1.80 0.97
2 11 LMP Aldrin 75.5 1.78 0.96
3 12 CDR Conrad 66.8 1.69 0.91
4 12 LMP Bean 66.3 1.77 0.95
5 14 CDR Shepard 76.4 1.80 0.97
6 14 LMP Mitchell 80.1 1.80 0.97
7 15 CDR Scott 79.6 1.83 0.99
8 15 LMP Irwin 72.0 1.73 0.93
9 16 CDR Young 77.2 1.75 0.95
10 16 LMP Duke 71.8 1.82 0.98
11 17 CDR Cernan 78.2 1.83 0.99
12 17 LMP Schmidt 73.9 1.75 0.95

Roles: Commander (CDR) and Lunar Module Pilot (LMP).

Body mass estimated as mean of F-0 (Flight Day) and R+0 (Return Day) masses in Table 16 of Biomedical Results of Apollo [25].

Height from astronaut biographies in the Apollo 11–17 Press Kits, available from the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal [14].


Leg length L estimated as Height/1.85, following [2].