Table 3.
Studies That Reported Effects of Long-term Marijuana Inhalation on Respiratory Complications
Source | Study Design | No of Subjects |
Results | Control for Confounding |
Mean Generic Quality Score |
Mean Exposure and Disease Specific Quality Score |
Bloom et al,18 1987 | Cross-sectional | 990 | Multivariable analysis shows association between intensity and duration of nontobacco cigarettes and cough, phlegm, and wheeze | Tobacco | 14 | 3 |
Henderson et al,20 1972 | Case series | 200 | Cannabis smokers complained of pharyngitis (n = 150), rhinitis (n = 26), chronic bronchitis (n = 20), and asthma (n = 4) | None | 4.5 | 0.5 |
Moore et al,22 2005 | Cross-sectional | 6728 | Marijuana use associated with respiratory symptoms, chronic bronchitis, coughing on most days, phlegm, wheezing, and chest sounds without a cold | Tobacco | 17.5 | 3 |
Sherrill et al,24 1991 | Observational cohort | 1802 | Marijuana smoking associated with cough, phlegm, and wheeze | Tobacco | 13.5 | 3 |
Taylor et al,28 2000 | Cross-sectional | 943 | Marijuana use associated with wheezing apart from colds, exercise-related shortness of breath, nocturnal waking with chest tightness, and morning sputum production | Tobacco | 12.5 | 3 |
Tashkin et al,31 1987 | Cross-sectional | 446 | Marijuana smokers had increased rates of chronic cough, sputum production, wheeze, and more than 1 prolonged episode of bronchitis during the previous 3 y compared with the nonsmokers | Tobacco | 11.5 | 3 |
Gaeta et al,32 1996 | Case-control | 200 | 44% of asthma group compared with 20% of control group admitted to or tested positive for recent substance use (OR, 3.14; P<.001). In acute bronchospasm group, 82% admitted to recently using inhaled substances compared with 55% of controls (OR, 3.68; P<.02). No difference in proportions of asthma and control groups that reported marijuana use. | None | 12 | 1 |
Tennant,33 1980 | Case series | 36 | Marijuana smokers complained of increased amounts of dyspnea and excess sputum production | None | 7 | 2 |
Boulougouris et al,34 1976 | Cross-sectional | 82 | Verbal hoarseness was detected in 4 of 44 hashish users and 2 of 38 controls. Two of 44 users and 1 of 38 controls had signs of emphysema. | None | 8 | 1.5 |
Chopra,35 1973 | Cross-sectional | 124 | Laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, dyspnea, asthma, irritating cough, hoarse voice, and dryness of the throat were more common in those who smoked higher daily dose of marijuana. | None | 3 | 1 |
Mehndiratta and Wig,36 1975 | Cross-sectional | 75 | Cannabis smokers complained of weight loss, cough, dyspnea, and poor sleep | None | 8 | 1.5 |
Polen et al,37 1993 | Cross-sectional | 902 | Marijuana smokers reported more days ill with cold, flu, or sore throat in past year than nonsmokers | Tobacco | 15 | 3 |
Stern et al,38 1987 | Cross-sectional | 173 | In patients with cystic fibrosis, 20% of marijuana users noted immediate and 5% noted long-term improvement in symptoms; 30% of users noted immediate and 40% noted long-term worsening of symptoms. | None | 13 | 1 |
Tennant and Prendergast,39 1971 | Case series | 31 | 39% of marijuana smokers complained of rhinopharyngitis and 29% complained of bronchitis | None | 4 | 0.5 |
Abbreviation: OR, odds ratio.