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. 2009 May 19;104(3):517–525. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcp116

Table 4.

Description of the 14 loci, the position of the indels in the aligned accD-psa1 matrix, the alleles found and a description of alleles for the insertions/deletions

Locus Type Position Alleles Allele description
1 accD-psa1 microsatellite (A)n 1,2,3,4
2 accD-psa1 indel 1 350 1,2,3 long insert–no insert–short insert
3 accD-psa1 indel 2 400 1,2,3,4 long–middle–short–none
4 accD-psa1 indel 3 465 1,2 normal–deletion
5 accD-psa1 indel 4 522 1,2,3 insert–normal–deletion
6 accD-psa1 indel 5 630 1,2 normal–insert
7 accD-psa1 indel 6 750 1,2,3 normal–short insert–long insert
8 accD-psa1 indel 7 812 1,2 normal–insert
9 accD-psa1 indel 8 895 1,2 normal–deletion
10 accD-psa1 indel 9 1050 1,2 normal–deletion
11 accD-psa1 indel 10 1208 1,2 normal–insert
12 rps16-1 microsatellite (A)n 1,2
13 rps16-2 microsatellite (A)n 1,2,3
14 cyp2 microsatellite (ATn)nTn 1,2,3,4

Position in base pairs in aligned accD-psa1 matrix.

‘Normal’ refers to the condition found in the majority of samples. Directionality of insertions and deletions is inferred, with the commonest allele being treated as ‘normal’.