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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2009 Aug 5.
Published in final edited form as: Curr Respir Med Rev. 2006 May;2(2):101–142. doi: 10.2174/157339806776843085

Table 11.

Genes involved in Proteolysis

Gene symbol Probe set Ratio CSE/Con p-value Description GO Biological Process GO Molecular Function GO Cellular Component Pathway
CTSL 37391_at 1.43 0.05 cathepsin L proteolysis and peptidolysis cathepsin L activity / hydrolase activity extracellular / lysosome ---
KLK8 37131_at 1.11 0.02 kallikrein 8 (neuropsin/ovasin) neurogenesis / proteolysis and peptidolysis chymotrypsin activity / hydrolase activity / peptidase activity / trypsin activity --- ---
YME1L1 40988_at 0.91 0.03 YME1-like 1 (S. cerevisiae) proteolysis and peptidolysis ATP binding / hydrolase activity / metalloendopeptidase activity / nucleotide binding membrane / mitochondrion ---
CPZ 37248_at 0.91 0.05 carboxypeptidase Z development / proteolysis and peptidolysis carboxypeptidase A activity / carboxypeptidase activity / transmembrane receptor activity membrane ---
LAMP2 38403_at 0.83 0.03 lysosomal-associated membrane protein 2 --- --- integral to plasma membrane / lysosomal membrane ---
ADAM9 34761_r_at 0.83 0.01 a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain 9 (meltrin gamma) protein kinase cascade / proteolysis and peptidolysis SH3 domain binding / hydrolase activity / integrin binding / metalloendopeptidase activity / protein binding / protein kinase binding / zinc ion binding integral to plasma membrane ---
CTSB 32372_at 0.67 0.04 cathepsin B proteolysis and peptidolysis cathepsin B activity / hydrolase activity intracellular / lysosome ---
SPUVE 40078_at 0.67 0.01 protease, serine, 23 proteolysis and peptidolysis chymotrypsin activity / hydrolase activity / trypsin activity --- ---