Table 3.
Common Data Elements for Inclusion in a TBI Database
Status of classifier |
Common data cluster | Evidence-based | Experimental |
Demographic | Age, education, cause of injury (e.g., MVC, fall) | Gender, genotype |
Clinical | GCS, systemic injuries, ethanol, serum glucose | Inflammation, oxidative stress |
Physiologic | Temperature, ICP, CPP, MAP, CBF, PbtO2, SjvO2, neurophysiologic testing | Biomarkers, microdialysis |
Imaging | Extra-axial hematoma, intra-axial hematoma, DAI, fracture | Perfusion MRI, DTI, NMR spectroscopy, PET |
CBF, cerebral blood flow; CPP, cerebral perfusion pressure; DAI, diffuse axonal injury; DTI, diffusion tensor imaging; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; ICP, intracranial pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure; MR, magnetic resonance; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; MVC, motor vehicle crash; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance; PbtO2, brain tissue oxygen tension; PET, positron emission tomography; SjVO2, jugular venous oxygen tension; TBI, traumatic brain injury.