(a) Spectral karyotype of a tetraploid cell from mouse
10759, containing an interstitial deletion of chromosome 2 as the only
structural abnormality. (b) Localization of the
chromosome 2 interstitial deletion from a. The
comparison of chromosome's inverted 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole
G-banding pattern and the G-banding ideogram for mouse chromosome 2
allows the identification of the deletion as del(2)(E2H1).
(c) Spectral karyotype of a pseudodiploid tumor cell
from mouse 11908, containing a deletion of chromosome 2 del(2)(Dter),
an extra chromosome 15, and loss of the Y chromosome.
(d) Spectral karyotype of a hypodiploid cell from mouse
10826, containing a translocation 2;15 as the only structural
alteration, and loss of a sex chromosome. (e)
Localization of the breakpoints of the deleted chromosome 2 and
derivative 15 from d. Chromosome 2 (Left)
is deleted at band 2D (as in c), and chromosome 15
(Right) at band 15E. The translocated fragment from
chromosome 2 appears to span bands 2G through the terminus. Therefore,
the abnormality is defined as translocation t(2;15) (G-ter;E) and most
likely involves loss of chromosome 2 material containing bands 2E and