PGC-1α/β-related increase in respiration is associated with increased levels of OXPHOS components. Western blot analyses showed that PGC-1α/β overexpression-related increase in respiration in cells from patients with OXPHOS defects was associated with increased expression of OXPHOS components. Lanes were loaded with 100 μg of cell lysates. (A) Shows protein levels in Pat.C and Pat.D. (B) Shows the analyses for Pat.N and CTRL. (C) Describes similar analyses for MELAS and WT control. The antibodies used were the ones against: SDH (flavoprotein of complex II), ND39 (complex I), COXI, IV, Vb (complex IV), core-1 and Rieske iron–sulfur protein (complex III), cytochrome c, ATPase subunit α (complex V), VDAC1 (outer membrane protein) and tubulin.