The late protein synthesis component of LTD can be captured by another
input. (a) L−LTD was induced in one pathway with 1-Hz
stimulation. After 30 min, anisomycin was applied (for a total of 45
min) and the second pathway received the depression protocol in the
presence of anisomycin. Despite the inhibition of protein synthesis,
the second pathway exhibited L-LTD (n = 5).
(b) The L-LTD exhibited by the second pathway in
a was significantly different from the LTD observed
during the inhibition of protein synthesis in the one-pathway
experiments described in Fig. 2a (P
< 0.05, measured 1 h after the stimulus delivered in the presence
of anisomycin). (c) L-LTD was elicited in one pathway
with 1-Hz stimulation. After 30 min, E-LTD was elicited in the second
pathway with the weaker 5-Hz stimulation. E-LTD in the second pathway
was transformed into prolonged L-LTD (n = 7;
P < 0.001, as compared with 5-Hz stimulation