Diagram of the experimental plan for one subject. Horizontal lines
depict stimuli presented during tests 1 and 2 and during tutoring. N,
nuttalli dialect; O, oriantha dialect; H,
heterospecific song; G, generalization song, in this case two novel
nuttalli dialects. A few days after fledging, the bird
heard playback of five stimuli in recognition (R) trials and two pairs
of habituation/dishabituation stimuli in discrimination (D) trials
(for examples of stimuli and text for description of protocol, see Fig.
2). This bird was then tutored for 10 days with the two
nuttalli stimuli, and then the recognition and
discrimination trials were repeated in test 2. No heterospecific song
was presented in test 2; instead, two generalization stimuli were
presented. After test 2, all birds were tutored with the same eight
novel dialects for 40 days. The time axis is not to scale; for a given
bird tests 1 and 2 took place on a single day.