Measurement of siRNA- and miRNA-mediated post-transcriptional regulations by FunREG. A, schematic representation of eGFP-c-MYC transgene. Parts of the eGFP-c-MYC mRNA targeted by the si-eGFP and miRNAs (miR-98 and let-7a) are as shown. B–D, the eGFP-c-MYC-expressing HuH7 cells (from Fig. 3; transgene copy number known) were transfected with the indicated siRNA or miRNA. Three days later, the eGFP protein and eGFP mRNA amounts were determined as described in Fig. 3 except that α-tubulin mRNA was used as internal control. B, global post-transcriptional regulation. C, mRNA stability. D, translation efficiency. ANOVA, analysis of variance.