Figure 4.
Template-dependent polymerization of the activated dinucleotide 14a on T-3′-TTT TTT TTT T-2′-T analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS. (The underlined denotes the GNA 10-mer sequence): (A) with the template; (B) without the template. In B, the GNA template was cospotted with the sample as an internal control. The polymerization products were identified by comparing the signals to their expected masses. [M + H]+ for 4-mer: calcd, 1101.733; obsd, 1100.01. For 6-mer: calcd, 1642.349; obsd, 1640.67. For 8-mer: calcd, 2184.443; obsd, 2182.59. For 10-mer: calcd, 2725.798; obsd, 2723.68. For the template: calcd, 3168.994; obsd, 3167.08. (∗ denotes the n − 1 synthetic byproduct of the template).