Effects of resveratrol on LNCaP cell-derived tumor growth in athymic nude mice. LNCaP cell tumor xenografts were established in athymic nude mice (n = 22 per diet group) as described in Materials and Methods. Tumor volumes were measured twice a week and calculated as described in Materials and Methods. The linear coefficients and standard errors from the random effects model are shown in the graph. (A) Body weights of control, RES50 and RES100 groups during the study. (B) Temporal effects on tumor growth in animals fed control (filled circles), RES50 (open circles) or RES100 (filled triangles) diets. (C) Comparison of tumor volumes between animals fed control, RES50 or RES100 diet in week 3. Week 3 results from Panel B were regraphed, and *indicates significantly different from control at P < 0.05. (D) Comparison of tumor volumes between animals fed control, RES50 or RES100 diets in week 4. Week 4 results from Panel B were regraphed, and *indicates significantly different from control at P < 0.05.