Neurotransmitter expression by transplanted NRP cells. Sections from
brains transplanted with GFP-NRP cells were double-labeled with
anti-GFP along with anti-ChAT (A–C),
antiglutamate (D), and anti-GABA (E).
Anti-GFP is visualized with a FITC-conjugated secondary.
(A–C) A representative section from the
occipital cortex. Images from A and B are
superimposed in C showing NRP cells uniformly expressing
ChAT (arrow). (Bar = 100 μm.) (D) A
representative confocal image from the AONd shows a host neuron
expressing glutamate (short arrow) and transplanted NRP cells
expressing GFP and glutamate (long arrow, arrowheads). (Bar =
100 μm.) (E) A representative section from the
AONvp showing a GABA (−) NRP cell, (long arrow), GABA (+) host neurons
(short arrow, thin arrows), and a GABA (+) GFP-NRP cell (arrowhead).
(Bar = 50 μm.)