(A,B) Immunofluorescent detection of EGFP (green) and MCH (A, red) or OX (B, red) in the LHA of colchicine-treated LepRbEGFP mice. (C,D) Immunohistochemical detection of pSTAT3-IR (green nuclei, pseudocolored) and MCH (C, red) or OX (D, red) following ICV leptin treatment for 1 hr. (E) Immunohistochemical detection of pSTAT3 (red, pseudocolored) and immunofluorescent detection of EGFP (green) in Gad1EGFP mice. (F) Digital zoom of (E). (G,H) immunofluorescent detection of EGFP (green) and OX (red (G)) or MCH (red (H))in mice that express EGFP in GAD67 neurons. Scale bars = 10 µm. 3V= third cerebral ventricle; f= fornix