Fig. 3.
IP-10 mediates in vitro cord dissociation. (A) HMEC-1 cells treated with VEGF-A (75 ng/ml) or bFGF (50 ng/ml) were plated on GFR-Matrigel to form cords. The cords were incubated in 0.5% dialyzed FBS media for 24 hours with VEGF-A or bFGF (48 hrs) in the presence of IP-10 (600 ng/ml) (24 hrs+IP-10), PF4 (400 ng/ml) (24 hrs+PF4) or IL-8 (100 ng/ml) (24 hrs+IL-8). IP-10 and PF4 caused dissociation of formed cords in the presence of both VEGF and bFGF. Representative data are shown; n=4. Scale bar: 250 μm. (B) Quantification of the endothelial cord area was determined, using MetaMorph. A significant decrease in endothelial cords was observed when treated with IP-10 and PF4. The 48 hour treatment was used as the base line and set at 100%, with the other treatments set as a percentage. Gray bars, VEGF-A-treated; solid bars, bFGF-treated. Values are mean ± s.e.m., n=4 performed in triplicate, *P<0.05 paired Student t-test.