Figure 1.
Schematic depiction of the pUR288-S mutation reporter model in D. melanogaster. (a) The integrated P element, containing the pUR288-S plasmid flanked by HindIII sites, is schematically depicted in the D. melanogaster genome (red curved lines). P5, 5′ end of pCasper; P3, 3′ end of pCasper; White, white selection marker; A, ampicillin-resistance gene; yellow ellipse, origin of replication. Dashed arrows represent the occurrence of a hypothetical genome rearrangement with one breakpoint in a lacZ reporter gene (lightning bolt) and one in the fly genome, 5′ (1) or 3′ (2) of the integration sites or on another chromosome (3). (b) Cloning of the fly 3′ flanking sequence of the integration site using PvuII digestion. (c) Possible outcomes of plasmid rescue. The pUR288-S plasmid can be rescued from transgenic fly lines by excision of genomic DNA with HindIII or PstI and recovered in the form of ampicillin-resistant colonies. (d) Physical map of the cloned integration sites of pUR288-S for the different lines of transgenic D. melanogaster. Cytological locations of the insertions are indicated. Arrows indicate the orientation of the pUR288-S reporter for each line, with the map position of each line indicated below the arrows.