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. 2008 Sep;42(3-3):1226–1236. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.05.029

Table 1.

List of coordinates for the most consistently activated regions in three previous studies that compared irregular word to pseudoword reading

Contrast of interest Region Coordinates (x y z) Study
Irregular word > pseudoword anterior occipito-temporal sulcus − 38 − 40 − 24 Herbster et al., 1997
− 42 − 42 − 18 Mechelli (2005a)
inferior frontal cortex − 40 12 − 4 Herbster et al., 1997
− 52 32 4 Mechelli (2005a)
− 39 25 − 9 Binder (2005)
Pseudoword > irregular word posterior occipito-temporal sulcus − 46 − 60 − 18 Mechelli (2005a)
− 49 − 63 − 11 Binder (2005)
dorsal premotor cortex − 56 0 40 Mechelli (2005a)
− 48 − 12 44 Binder (2005)