FIG. 4.
Change in MEP amplitudes over L M1 at 130% RMT at different time points (pre, post 1, and post 2) in 3 representative subjects receiving either (A) 1-Hz rTMS + iTBS, (B) 1-Hz rTMSsham + iTBS, or (C) 1-Hz rTMS + iTBSsham. Displayed are the mean MEP amplitudes of 10 MEPs at 130% RMT for each time point tested (solid lines) and SDs (gray area). Dashed lines indicate the mean MEP amplitudes (pre) before the application of the 2 brain-stimulation protocols, indicated by the arrows. Note that the overt excitability-enhancing effect of iTBS over L M1 (see subject depicted in B at post 2) was decreased by preconditioning R M1 with 1-Hz rTMS (see subject depicted in A at post 2). The subject depicted in C received only 1-Hz rTMS, leading to a mild increase in RC in L M1 at post 1.