FIG. 5.
Potentiation characteristics of C17-NBD fluorescent steroid analogues. A: representative traces of fluorescent steroid potentiation (left) and expanded detail of the boxed region during wash (right) determined at equimolar concentration (0.5 μM). Drugs were coapplied with GABA (0.5 μM) on hippocampal neurons. B: bar diagrams indicate decay times of tagged steroids. Values are means ± SE (n = 13); ***P < 0.0001 (paired t-test). Analysis was performed as described in methods. Since many cells (12/13 cells) treated with C17-NBD-3α5αA failed to fall to 10% of the peak potentiation by the end of the 30-s wash, a conservative time equal to the total washing time (30 s) was assigned for purposes of averaging. In these same 13 cells, potentiation in 3/13 treated with C17-NBD-alphaxalone failed to fall to 10% and a 30-s fall time was similarly assigned. C: bar diagrams indicate remaining potentiation of fluorescent steroids after 30-s wash with 0.5 μM GABA. Values are means ± SE (n = 13); ***P < 0.0001 (paired t-test).