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. 2009 Jul 20;9:6. doi: 10.1186/1471-5945-9-6

Table 3.

Impact of explanatory variables on tanning bed use (general & frequent)

General tanning bed use
(n = 1078)*
Frequent tanning bed use
(n = 318)**
Variable/determinants OR 95% CI p OR 95% CI p
Hazardousness UV*** 1.283 .982 – 1.678 <.07 .960 .593 – 1.555 .869
Perceived Personal Risk*** 1.000 .758 – 1.318 .999 .989 .605 – 1.618 .965
„Tanning is attractive“ 1.732 1.297 – 2.313 <.001 1.398 .830 – 2.355 .207
„Tanned skin is healthy“ .856 .650 – 1.128 .270 2.387 1.489 – 3.826 <.001
„Sun feels good“ .933 .712 – 1.223 .615 1.885 1.170 – 3.038 <.01

*Binary logistic regression with respect to general tanning bed use. Odds ratio with 95% confidence intervals. Tanning bed use dichotomized: users (1)/non-users (0). (User n = 317; non-user n = 761, Nagelkerke's Pseudo-R2 = 0.022)

**Binary logistic regression with respect to frequent tanning bed use. Odds ratio with 95% confidence intervals. Tanning bed use dichotomized: high-frequent users (1) vs. low-frequent users (0). (High-frequent Users n = 138; low-frequent user (< 10 sessions per year & tanning bed users who had not tanned in the last 12 months) n = 180, Nagelkerke's Pseudo-R2 = .107)

*** As defined in the Methods Section.