Figure 1.
Genetic structure of IPO13. Panel A: Relative position of 10 variants genotyped on physical map of chromosome 1p34 region including IPO13. DPH2 = diphthamide biosynthesis protein 2. ATP6V0B = B component of vacuolar ATPase. Panel B: Pair-wise linkage disequilibrium. Numbers denote pair-wise r2 values. Color key denotes strength of pair-wise D'. SNP form one large haplotype block spanning genomic segment. Panel C: IPO13 haplotype structure. Blue = common allele, red = minor allele. Haplotype frequency in CAMP probands of self-reported white ancestry presented on right. Arrowheads denote one of several haplotype-tagging SNP combinations. This 3-SNP combination (rs6671164 – rs199150 – rs2428953) was used for haplotype association analysis in this study.