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. 2000 Jan 1;320(7226):11–15. doi: 10.1136/bmj.320.7226.11

Table 4.

Comparison of SF-36 scores among residents of chromium contaminated land according to perception of whether chromium contaminated land is harmful to health. Values are means unless stated otherwise

SF-36 dimension Unadjusted
Harmful Not harmful Difference (95% CI) P value Difference (95% CI) P value
Bodily pain 51.9 67.7 −15.8 (−23.6 to −7.9) <0.001 −17.2 (−25.2 to −9.2) <0.001
General health 42.6 59.1  −16.5 (−22.4 to −10.5) <0.001 −17.3 (−23.3 to −11.4) <0.001
Role physical 55.4 73.0 −17.6 (−27.2 to −8.1) <0.001 −22.6 (−32.5 to −12.7) <0.001
Role emotional 59.9 82.7  −22.8 (−31.8 to −13.9) <0.001 −21.9 (−31.3 to −12.6) <0.001
Social functioning 55.5 72.6  −17.1 (−24.0 to −10.1) <0.001 −18.0 (−25.0 to −10.9) <0.001
Mental health 58.5 74.3  −15.8 (−20.9 to −10.6) <0.001 −15.0 (−20.2 to −9.8) <0.001
Physical functioning 54.1 66.8 −12.7 (−20.5 to −5.0)   0.0013 −15.7 (−23.0 to −8.5) <0.001
Vitality 37.0 53.2  −16.2 (−22.2 to −10.3) <0.001 −16.4 (−22.5 to −10.3) <0.001

Adjusted for sex, age group, housing tenure, years at address, and perceived difficulty in selling house. 

Role limitations due to physical or emotional problems.