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. 2009 Jan 15;4(3):256–269. doi: 10.1007/s11552-008-9160-9

Table 1.

Population studies.

Author Date Geographical Location Study Design Data Collector Prevalence or incidence rate Age group Presence of heritability Significant risk factors
Total Male Female Male Female
Herzog EG [43] 1951 North England Cross-sectional study of 1,434 manual laborers and clerks Author 4.25% 4.25% >40 years No mention No significant difference in prevalence of DD in manual workers (4.5%) and clerks (3.8%).
Gordon S [38] 1954 Canada Cross-sectional study of 2,705 hospital inpatients Author 26% 33% 66–75 years 66–75 years No mention No mention
Yost J [105] 1955 New York, USA Cross-sectional study of 5,062 hospital inpatients Author 3.4% 4.3% 2.3% 37–100 years 37–100 years One case with definite family history—early age at onset in offspring. No significant correlation with hand trauma.
Hueston JT [46] 1960 Australia Cross-sectional study of 3,700 people in community Author 23% 22% >60 years >60 years No mention No mention
Early PF [26] 1962 Lancashire, UK Cross- sectional study of 6,979 people in community. Author 3.5% 3.8% 2.3% 15 to >75 years 15 to >75 years No mention Strong association between epilepsy. No relationship between DD and manual work.
Mikkelson OA [74] 1972 Haugesund, Norway Cross- sectional study of 16,000 inpatients Author/Surgeon 9.4% 2.8% >16 years 70 to 74 years = 36.8% (max prev’) >16 years 85 to 89 years = 25% (max prev’) No mention No mention
Critchley EM [21] 1976 Preston, UK Cross-sectional study of chronic epileptics Author 56% 57% 56% 35 to >75 years 35 to >75 years No mention Link to anti-convulsants to DD due to peripheral stimulation of growth factors
Stuhler T [24] 1977 Germany Cross-sectional study of 524 epileptics Author 21.6% Genetic aspect must be taken into consideration Idiopathic epilepsy is most associated with DD
Ravid M [43] 1977 Israel Cross-sectional study of 959 diabetics Author 17.6% No mention Increased risk of DD in older diabetic patients
Mackenney RP [61] 1983 Cotswolds and Chilterns, England Cross- sectional study of 919 patients attending the orthopedic clinic Surgeon 5% 3.5% No mention Positive correlation between stretching of palm and DD
Arafa M [4] 1984 Manchester, UK Cross-sectional study of 392 patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Rheumatologist 6.4% with RA. 16% without RA 7.6% with RA. 16.1% without RA 5.7% with RA. 15.9% without RA 30 to >70 years 30 to >70 years Genetic factor in RA as a protective factor against DD? No mention
Noble J [78] 1984 UK Cross-sectional study of 273diabetic patients Authors (physician and hand surgeon) 18% when examined by physician, 42% when examined by hand surgeon 25% when examined by physician, 41% when examined by hand surgeon 13% when examined by physician, 42% when examined by hand surgeon >16 years >16 years No mention Increased risk of DD in diabetic patients
Egawa T [28] 1985 Japan Cross sectional study of 3,383 patients attending orthopedic clinic Author 1.8% 40–59 years 40–59 years No mention No mention
Laplane D [51] 1985 France Cross-sectional study of 197 epileptic patients Author 8% No mention No evidence to suggest increased risk of DD in epileptics.
Stewart HD [98] 1985 UK Cross-sectional study of 235 patients with Colles’ fracture Author 6.8% 18–86 years 18–86 years No mention Mild disease in patients who developed DD after fracture. No DD progression after 20 months.
Patri B [82] 1986 France Cross-sectional study of 155 patients Author 9% - - 20-90 years 20-90 years No mention Increased prevalence of DD with increasing age
Guitian AQ [42] 1988 Spain Cross sectional study of 1,455 undergoing general medical examinations Author 9.9% 45–54 years 45–54 years No mention No mention
25.5% >75 years >75 years
Eadington DW [24] 1989 Edinburgh, UK Cross-sectional study of 266 type 1 diabetic patients Author 24% smokers 36–84 years 36–84 years No mention Increased risk of DD in diabetics and smokers
Egawa T [93] 1990 Japan Cross sectional study of 1,154 nursing home patients Author 19.7% 9% Over 60 years Over 60 years No mention No mention
French PD [33] 1990 London, UK Cross-sectional study of 50 male AIDS patients Genito-Urinary Physician 6% 23–56 years No mention No significance of HIV on DD.
Bower M [13] 1990 London, UK Cross-sectional study of 50 male HIV infected patients Physician 36% 19–54 years No mention Significant impact of HIV on DD.
Eadington DW [25] 1991 Edinburgh, UK Cross-sectional study of 200 type 2 diabetic patients Experienced observer 24% 36–84 years 36–84 years No mention Increased risk of DD in diabetes and in smokers
Thomas PR [100] 1992 Middlesbrough, UK Cross-sectional study of 500 claimants with vibration white finger. Author 13.6% >45 years >45 years No mention Positive correlation between DD and vibration white finger.
Arafa M [3] 1992 Manchester, UK Cross-sectional study of 484 patients in 2 epileptic centers Author 12% and 38% 13% and 44% 11% and 28% <30 to >70 years <30 to >70 years No mention Increased prevalence of DD with increasing age. No evidence to link DD and epilepsy
Noble J [77] 1992 Manchester UK Cross-sectional study of 50 patients with liver disease Author 28% <30 to 70 years <30 to 70 years No mention Increased risk of DD in patients with liver disease
Kelly SA [47] 1992 Derby, UK Cross-sectional study of 235 patients with Colles’ fracture Author 8.5% 47–79 years 47–79 years 15% had a positive family history 25% consumed large amounts of alcohol; 5% taking anticonvulsant
Lennox IAC [52] 1993 Aberdeen, Scotland Cross-sectional study of 200 nursing home patients over 60 years. Author 30% 39% 21% >60 years >60 years No mention No mention
Bergenudd H [10] 1993 Malmo, Sweden Longitudinal study of 574 people in community Author 6% 10% 2% 55 years 55 years No mention Non except poor peripheral pulses.
Bovenzi M [12] 1994 Italy Cross-sectional study of 570 quarry drillers and stone carvers Author 10% Mean age—39 years No mention Increased risk in vibration exposed manual workers
Renard E [88] 1994 France Cross-sectional study of 120 diabetic patients Author 35% type 1, 30% type 2 diabetes No mention Increased prevalence of DD in diabetics
Chammas M [18] 1995 France Cross-sectional study of 120 diabetic patients Author 35% type 1 diabetics, 28% type 2 No mention Increased prevalence of DD in diabetics, risk increases with longer duration of diabetes.
Arkilla PE [7] 1996 Finland Longitudinal study of 207 type 1 diabetic patients Author 4% 21–39 years 21–39 years No mention DD risk increases with patients age and duration of DM.
Dasgupta AK [20] 1996 India Cross-sectional study of manual workers Author 4% >21 years No mention Vibration exposure increases risk of DD.
Arkilla PE [6] 1997 Finland Cross-sectional study of 139 type 2 diabetic patients Author 14% 49–73 years 49–73 years No mention DD risk greater in diabetic patients. Prevalence equal in males and females.
Gudmundsson KG [41] 1999 Reykjavik, Iceland Cohort study of 2,165 inpatients Physician 13.3% 19.2% 4.4% 45–74 years 45–74 years No mention Significant association between DD and manual work, smoking, fasting glucose level.
Gudmundsson [40] 2000 Reykjavik, Iceland Cohort study of 1,297 males in the community. Physician 19.2% 45–74 years No mention Negative association between DD and joint complaints.
Kilian O [49] 2001 Germany Cross-sectional study of 172 patients with shoulder pathology Author 2.9% No mention Similar histology in DD and frozen shoulder
Smith SP [95] 2001 UK Cross-sectional study of 58 patients with frozen shoulder 3 surgeons 52% Mean 54.9 years Mean 54.9 years 7% of people with DD had first degree relative with DD. Increased prevalence of DD in frozen shoulder patients
Omari A [79] 2001 UK Cross-sectional study of 75 patients with frozen shoulder Author 1.3% No mention No mention for DD
Finsen V [31] 2002 Finnmark, Norway Cross-sectional study 456 people in community. Surgeon 7.5% 11.9% 1.5% >50 years >50 years Higher prevalence in family members in same niche No mention
White HA [103] 2003 Wales Observational study of 197 inpatients. Physician 6.6% 19–101 years 19–101 years No mention No mention
Ardic F [5] 2003 Turkey Cross-sectional study of 78 type II diabetics Author 21.8% 46–70 years 46–70 years No mention Diabetes is risk factor for DD
Zerajic D [108] 2004 Bosnia Cross-sectional study of 1,207 people in community appearing to look over 50 years. Medical student 25% 31% 16% >50 years >50 years No mention Significant higher prevalence in diabetics.
Geohagan JM [35] 2004 West Midland, UK Cross-sectional study of 383,000 GP patients. GP 0.2% 0.15% 0.05% 24–97 years 24–97 years No mention Diabetes is a strong risk factor for DD
Khan AA [48] 2004 Oxford, UK Review of National Morbidity Survey of 502,493 men GP Incidence rate 34.3 per 100,000 men 40–84 years No mention No mention
Godtfredsen NS [36] 2004 Denmark Cohort study of 7,254 subjects Trained nurse/med student 11% 16% 7% 20–93 years 20–93 years No mention Alcohol and smoking risk factors
Logan AJ [56] 2005 UK Questionnaire survey of 1,100 climbers Patient 19.5% 19.5% 23–93 years No mention No mention
Burke FD [16] 2007 UK Cross-sectional study of 97,537 miners Trained doctors 8.1% 8.1% 25–99 years No mention Increased risk of DD in diabetics and increased age
Lucas G [58] 2008 France Cross-sectional study of 2,406 male civil servants. Physician 8.8% Mean age 50.7 years 20% had family history of DD Manual work exposure appears to be associated with DD