IMS-PCA analysis of the developmental mouse brains revealed dynamic changes in PC expression. IMS was performed on a developmental series of four mouse brain sections, obtained postnatally on days 1 and 12 and in weeks 7 and 96, and then PCA was performed to extract general trends in PC expression fluctuation during development. Three trends emerged. A: PC2 represents a reduction in PCs with short-chain fatty acids and an accumulation of myelin-constituted PCs with development. B: PC3 represents an accumulation of AA-PCs in the hippocampal formation, cerebral cortex, corpus striatum, and granule cell layer of the cerebellum. C: PC4 represents an accumulation of DHA-PCs in the cell layers of the cerebellum. In each panel, the upper row illustrates the principal component score for each pixel, and the lower rows show the results of individual visualizations of PCs that have large loading factors for each principal component. The brain sections were HE-stained and optical images of the sections are shown.