FIG. 6.
Simulated T1ρ-weighted signals (left column) and the fitted T1ρ values (right column) using “no-cycling” acquisition (a) and (b), “cycling” acquisition (c) and (d), and MAPSS (e) and (f), respectively. Using the “no cycling”’ acquisition, the T1ρ-weighted signal shows blurring with TSL = 0, 10, and 40 ms, and edge enhancement with TSL = 80 ms (a). The calculated T1ρ values are artificially high at edges (b). Using the “cycling” acquisition, the T1 relaxation contamination is eliminated and the fitted T1ρ values are accurate (d). However, the T1ρ-weighted signal still shows blurring with each TSL (c). The MAPSS sequence generates T1ρ-weighted signals without any blurring or edge enhancement (e) and quantification inaccuracy has been eliminated (f).